
Two New Features Now Available!

Great News! IDSeal gave the Member Portal a facelift. Better yet? Two new features have been added: Financial Transaction Monitoring and Medical Identity Monitoring. More features mean more ways to help monitor your information to help protect you from fraud. Let’s jump in to how the features work!

To QR or Not To QR

QR codes (i.e. Quick Response codes) have been around since the 1990’s with widespread use beginning in the early 2000’s. In recent years, the use of QR codes has surged. No matter where you go (a restaurant, an event, or viewing an advertisement) you will probably encounter a QR code. As with every piece of technology, there comes the need to understand the risks involved.

Cybercriminals Target Children for Identity Theft

Yes, you read that right. Children have been, and continue to be, targets of cybercriminals for identity theft. You may be thinking, “What do they have to steal? Monopoly money?” Sure, many children

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