
The Only Thing You Need To Know About Identity Theft

There are a lot of lists and searches you can do that will tell you the things you need to know about keeping your identity safe. One search will tell you one thing, and another search will contradict that search. So, at IDSeal, we’re going to tell you the thing that no one else will tell you. This is the truest and most honest fact about identity theft you will ever read.

Build-An-Identity: How Cybercriminals Create a Brand New Person

Do you know those stores your kids always want to go to where they get to build a stuffed animal, a custom race car, or some other unique toy? Well, cybercriminals do the same thing with creating a synthetic identity.

Trick, or Treat? Don’t Get Tricked Out Of Your Reward Program Treats

There are a lot of benefits to giving up your information. You could get a free sandwich from your favorite restaurant in exchange for a simple email address. If you add your credit card information to your coffee app you can get free coffee.

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